jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Haters make her famous!

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous and that's what Olivia Hall is for me. HELLO EERYBODY! it's me again, and i was writing the "classy and faboulous", when i received many emails from people who don't like this blog and sorry but I will not stop writing until the day that i decide that, maybe my english is horrible, but i don't care. 

Olivia is my role model and she deserves this and more..  but i'm going to write the "classy and fabulous" one next week, because today i'm going explain the reason why I write about olivia.

Okay first NO, I DON'T KNOW OLIVIA PERSONALLY, but one day i will i know that because some taught me to never say never and yes if you ar wonder i'm talking about Justin but this blog is not about him is JUST about Olivia Hall.

Second if i want to write about someone IT'S MY PROBLEM NOT YOURS.. i'm who choose what to do with my life and you can't tell me what to do, OKAY?

Third i will never say my name, because i'm not trying to get something for this, i'm just trying to show you who is the real olivia, because you have to learn to love her for that and not because she knows the beadles. I hate when people use her to meet them knowing that will never work, because she knows who really care, who don't and who never did. 

Okay, i'm going to repeat this WHO IS THE REAL OLIVIA? 
The real Olivia is someone who cares about her friends and gives good advices, for many girls she is an inspiration, she is the nicest person in the world and much more, but don't forget that she is like you and me, but the difference is that she has changed many things in my life. 

So if you don't like my blog, why are you reading? well, i know the answer so just admit it ... you also love her. And like i say in my last post sorry, but sometimes I have no words for people who have changed my life.

Thanks for reading and remember everyone is special in their own way! and for you Olivia Hall Thanks for being nice to me and I hope to meet you soon! DON'T FORGET TO SMILE (:

One more thing.. I FOUND THIS!

if you hurt her, I hurt you
with love someone who loves Olivia.

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